β Choosing counterposes for lesson plansWhen we are lesson planning, we draw on what we know from our personal experience of asana practice. But it's also helpful to use the left hemisphere to analyse our choices. Let's think about a few nuts and bolts of counterpose. β β β β If the primary pose is a forward bend, where the spine is in flexion, we usually follow with a backbending counterpose. β β
β In my class last week we were practising ardha navasana (half boat) which involves a strong contraction of the abdominal muscles. I used bridge pose to counterpose and lengthen the abdominals, followed by apanasana to rebalance after the backbend. β β The length of time a pose is held will also affect the counterpose necessary. A pose held for longer will need a stronger counterpose than one held only briefly. A counterpose is usually held only for a few breaths. Choosing counterposes can be as much of an art as a science. We have to get a feel for which poses work best in different situations. BalancingThe body is constantly working to maintain internal balance - a process known as 'homeostasis'. The body responds to whatever we do with it, and whatever happens to it. This adaptive response is known as 'hormesis'. There are movements we make with our bodies that are quite challenging. These include many yoga poses as well as movements that we may make due to life activities. Whenever there's a challenge to the system, there's always a response in the body. β This is the basis of how yoga practice works - we give the body a challenge (tapas), and it responds. If the practice is an intelligent and appropriate practice then the response will be a good healthful and positive one. When we push the body close to the edge of its range of movement, we not only need to come back to centre, but to go little bit in the other direction in order to help the body rebalance. It's a little bit like when you're lacking a particular vitamin - you're going to have to take a higher dose of that vitamin over a period of time just to bring you back to your normal level. With a strong yoga pose, especially when held, itβs helpful to go briefly a little bit back the other way (ie. counterpose) so we then re-balance swiftly back into the middle of the range of movement. β β Flow of pranaIf we pause with awareness, in a neutral position, at the end of any pose, we start to sense the effects of the pose we have just done. I like to call it the βenergetic wakeβ of a pose - as in the wake in the water behind a boat. It exists for a while as the boat goes past and then gradually subsides and the water comes back to relative stillness. β Which pose generates the most response in your body? β β β β β Developing our teaching skillsAs a yoga teacher becomes more experienced, while continuing to learn, explore and develop, a wider a range of possibilities is acquired. When exploring the use of counterpose, itβs important to remember the purpose of a counterpose, which is to re-balance the body after an asana. To refine our skills we need to watch our students after asana and in counterpose to see whether the counterpose that we've given is adequate. If itβs not quite enough or a bit too much, we can add in something more, or adjust accordingly next time. β I see yoga practice as a counterpose to daily life. A balanced asana practice, with breathwork and an approach underpinned by yoga philosophy, leaves practitioners with an improved sense of well-being. As we all know, yoga is well known as a great antidote to stress. β β Counterposing as we go through our practice, allows us to finish our physical practice in an optimal state for relaxation. This rest period enables the body to process what weβve just done, helping us to find a place of greater ease in the world. Some further reflection for your left hemisphere...!Which needs the strongest counterpose - paschimottanasana (seated forward bend) or bhujangasana (cobra pose)? Does a counterpose need a counterpose? Can a twist or side bend be a counterpose? For yoga teacher community members The next three Zoom Q&A meetings are: Friday 21st June 2.30-3.30pm Saturday 13th July 10-11am Friday 30th Aug 1-2pm Log in to sign up and access these inside the community hub (link from your Dashboard) at yogauk.com. Do bring along any questions and thoughts about counterposing to a Q&A session, plus anything else on your mind of course. Note that you can access the Back Pain workshop free of charge from the community hub too - look in the 'Events' space. Non-members: to join our yoga teacher community, click hereβ "If you have knowledge, let others light their candles in it." - Margaret Fuller β love and light, β Please feel free to pass this newsletter on to any yoga teacher friends or colleagues who might be interested in any of the content. They can sign up to receive newsletters to their own inbox at www.yogauk.com You can unsubscribe from Yoga Teaching and Learning at www.yogauk.com at any time using the link below. Note that unsubscribing will cancel any live course or community enrolments you have and you will lose access to those courses. If you wish to remain subscribed but don't wish to receive these monthly newsletters, let us know at support@yogauk.com
Here you will find articles, newsletters and web links for yoga teachers. The YogaUK.com website was founded in 1999 by Andrea Newman to support and connect heart-centred yoga teachers who work hard to serve their local communities. All yoga teachers are welcome, from anywhere in the world.
Yoga Teaching and Learningat www.yogauk.com Hello Reader Welcome to the February newsletter. This month's article is about how we decide what to study next for CPD when we have limited time and there's so much to choose from! There's also a free ebook about Knee Function in Asana you can download, which I hope you find interesting and useful. The next community Q&A get-together on Zoom is this Friday. I look forward to our discussions about what's going on for you in your yoga teaching at the...
Yoga Teaching and Learningat www.yogauk.com Hello Reader Welcome to the January newsletter. This month's article is about remembering to take time to look back over the past year and reflect upon your yoga teaching. The article includes a check list of aspects to consider. The turn of the year is the perfect time for a review! The next community Q&A get-together on Zoom is next week. I look forward to our discussions about the challenges of yoga teaching. Stay warm and well and all my best...
Newsletter December 2024 Hello Reader This December newsletter explores the role of mindfulness in yoga practice and the importance of developing mindfulness skills. And in appreciation for all your hard work this year, bringing yoga to your local community, there's a Mandala Colouring Book for you to download as a Christmas gift. Feel free also to gift this to your students if you wish. I look forward to seeing some of you at the next community Q&A get-together on Zoom next week where we'll...