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Article:What should I study next? The importance of continued learning as a yoga teacherYoga is an ongoing learning journey - not only for our students, but for us as teachers too. Just as passing a driving test doesn’t make you an expert driver, completing yoga teacher training is where the deep learning begins. The most inspiring yoga teachers are also lifelong learners, staying curious and engaged with new ideas and explorations. But with so many options for workshops and training courses, how do we decide what to study next? Learn to be a good learnerI always say to my students on teacher training courses, "to be a good teacher, first learn to be a good learner". Teaching is sometimes seen as the art of imparting knowledge, but at its heart, the best teaching is built on a foundation of ongoing learning. To really learn, we must first acknowledge that we don’t know everything. This takes humility and can be uncomfortable for people who believe they’re supposed to have all the answers. When we embrace learning as an ongoing process, we create yoga class spaces where curiosity is valued, and students feel safe to explore and grow. As a learner you also come to realise that ‘getting things wrong’ is an essential part of any learning process, and misunderstanding instructions is very normal. These insights make you more patient and able to support your students positively in their learning process. What to study?There’s so much out there. So many courses, both online and in person. So many books and teachers with their unique offerings to explore. Where do we even start? What area of your teaching would benefit from deeper understanding or fresh inspiration? Is it time to dip your toe into something new? Or dive more deeply from a different perspective into a topic you already know something about? Learning from different teaching stylesI took three courses last year as CPD (Continuing Professional Development). The topics themselves were interesting, but it was also fascinating to observe the teaching styles of the very different teachers and what I learnt from each. I found that the courses challenged me in different ways. They were each focused primarily on one type of learning: cognitive (thinking/learning knowledge), psychomotor (doing/practical skills), and affective (feeling/deep personal experience). Here’s how I experienced the courses. All of the approaches and types of learning offering something valuable:
Domains of learningI enjoyed the different teaching styles, and I was glad I took all these courses. The first course provided a wealth of knowledge, the second gave me new practical skills, and the third led me to explore the nature of consciousness. Bloom’s Taxonomy is a framework from educational theory that classifies learning objectives into three key domains:
By considering all three learning domains in our teaching, we can offer intellectual and emotional aspects along with physical practice, to help our students deepen their practice in a holistic way. Are you addressing all domains of learning in your yoga classes? If not, what training or CPD do you need to deepen your students’ experience in the missing domains? Remember that you can learn a lot from observing an individual teacher's style of teaching and class management, in addition to the content of the teaching. Your personal growthWhat do you need for your own personal learning? Whether you choose to refine a familiar skill, or step into new territory, by being intentional about how you continue your learning, you not only enhance your teaching but also cultivate deeper personal growth. Meaningful learning always requires a degree of challenge and that means stepping outside of our comfort zone. What will your next learning challenge be?
“It’s only after you’ve stepped outside your comfort zone that you begin to change, grow, and transform.”
Fridays 2.30-5pm on Zoom
👉 28th February Adho Mukha Svanasana - down face dog pose (more here)
👉 14th March Jathara Parivritti - supine twist (more here)
👉 28th March Parsvakonasana - side angle pose (more here)
The next two Q&A meetings:
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Here you will find articles, newsletters and web links for yoga teachers. The website was founded in 1999 by Andrea Newman to support and connect heart-centred yoga teachers who work hard to serve their local communities. All yoga teachers are welcome, from anywhere in the world.
Yoga Teaching and Learningat Hello Reader Welcome to the January newsletter. This month's article is about remembering to take time to look back over the past year and reflect upon your yoga teaching. The article includes a check list of aspects to consider. The turn of the year is the perfect time for a review! The next community Q&A get-together on Zoom is next week. I look forward to our discussions about the challenges of yoga teaching. Stay warm and well and all my best...
Newsletter December 2024 Hello Reader This December newsletter explores the role of mindfulness in yoga practice and the importance of developing mindfulness skills. And in appreciation for all your hard work this year, bringing yoga to your local community, there's a Mandala Colouring Book for you to download as a Christmas gift. Feel free also to gift this to your students if you wish. I look forward to seeing some of you at the next community Q&A get-together on Zoom next week where we'll...
Newsletter September 2024 Hello Reader Welcome to this month's newsletter to inspire and support your yoga teaching. I've been asked a few times recently about teaching people with scoliosis, so that forms the subject of this month's article. It's quite a complex topic because needs and experiences vary a lot from person to person. The article talks generally about how to guide yoga students with scoliosis most helpfully, and what to avoid. This article also applies to people who have a...